Saturday, August 14, 2010

Brown-Shoe is in Heat for Being Called "Romo's Bitch"

I don't normally like to promote but there is an interesting story that's been brewing for while. The fly-boy involved, ENS Crowston, was given the call-sign "Romo's Bitch". From the picture below one could argue that he may or may not give it up for the star QB in question.

You can't see it but the back of the shirt is be'dazzeld "I <3 Romo"
No really, I'm not in the Aviation community but this seems over the line. Calling him "Jessica", "Star Child", "Redskin", "Fumbles", "Interception" would have been not only more clever but totally acceptable. The Ensign in question does seem to have a history of starting investigations in his short career, but this seems to be substantiated. Pilots have a reputation for being pretty casual around each other so I can imagine them getting together and coming up with this. It just seems like they are asking for trouble by making it a little too direct. The word "bitch" just doesn't sit right with any guy and if this ENS is gay it would be very disrespectful and offensive. I can't say I'd make the same protest but if he wants to make a career of the Navy it could be a problem. Can you imagine Admiral Steve "Romo's Bitch" Crowston? The blame really does fall at the command level because that person should be mature enough to see the issue with making having his call sign include the word "Bitch". 

But I would definitely serve under Capt. "Pom-Pom"

UPDATE: The above link is now saying the Navy IG is all over the Naval Air Force Investigators that threw out the inital complaint. Big navy is going to be all over this and normally the complaintant will get his way, especially after all this new DATD policy changes be re-worked.

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